Cyber Security

Expert tips for staying safe online during the coronavirus crisis

Paul Brown
27.03.2020 Published: 27.03.20, Modified: 27.03.2020 13:03:06

IT security professionals have seen a huge rise in the number of malicious cyber-attacks since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). With the unprecedented rise in companies transitioning to remote working, these attacks have the potential to be more damaging and disruptive than they have ever been. Find out what to look out for and how to protect yourself as well as the company you work for and your colleagues

What is a cyber-attack?

One of the most common forms of cyber-attacks is phishing. This is when criminals send out electronic communications that impersonate an individual or organisation with the aim of stealing money, private personal information, or by infecting your device with software that can steal private personal information or confidential corporate files.

Such electronic communications can include those by:

Some organisations that criminals are known to be impersonating include:

What do these attacks look like?

The content of the current coronavirus phishing attacks includes, but is by no means limited to:

Other types of scam to be aware of include:

How can I recognise a potential cyber-attack?

If yes to any of the above, follow these common-sense approaches to stay safe:

For more information on what to look out for and how to stay safe, visit:

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