
Consultant of the Month – March 2018

Paul Brown
23.03.2018 Published: 23.03.18, Modified: 23.03.2018 12:03:53

Each month, talented FDM consultants on-site are recognised by their line managers for going above and beyond in in their role.  Congratulations to the March Consultant of the Month winners! Could it be you next month?

Yemi Mosuro - FDMYemi Mosuro, Procurement Operations Analyst, London Stock Exchange Group, Southampton Solent University, UK

“My role is in procurement operations, where I am heavily involved in monitoring and reporting levels of compliance within the Group Procurement policy. I support and train our offshore team in Sri Lanka, which includes managing the onboarding process for new consultants and our contract database. Most recently, I have been part of the team responsible for rolling out an onboarding platform. I love that I have been able to develop and take on more responsibility since I started my placement. Having made such an impact on my team, they have now recruited more consultants from FDM. I was even invited to be a part of this process; it was a great learning experience being an interviewer. I had no idea that I had been nominated for Consultant of the Month so I was very thrown, but it feels nice to be appreciated by my team!”

“Yemi was originally bought into the team to administrate our Procurement Contracts Database, however her responsibilities immediately expanded to take on broader BAU and project-based commercial services responsibilities given resource constraints within the incumbent team. She took the extra responsibility onboard, with little leadership or direction, and has exceeded all our expectations. She is a critical member of the team in terms of achieving our key objectives and is now a central point of knowledge and support to ensure consistency during a period of significant resource change within the Procurement team. Yemi’s performance is the reason for us considering FDM for other requirements within our team.”

Head of Procurement Operations, London Stock Exchange Group



Costin Vicoveanu, QA Engineer, Fenics, City College of New York, US

“After obtaining a degree in Computer Science, I joined FDM wanting to start my career in software development, particularly in the financial technology industry. I found the training period incredibly helpful; the densely-packed few weeks enabled me to polish up on my Java, SQL, Unix and professional skills. During my time on-site, I have worked on a variety of projects, from manual testing and bug verification, to writing automated test scripts. Every day I continue to learn from my colleagues and superiors about our software product, options trading and testing. I’ve found that hard work really pays off here at FDM.”

“Costin constantly exceeds expectations and is always on top of his duties. He managed the QA automation team to build testing frameworks from scratch for all FENICS products. The framework helped us improve the time to market metric. It used to take 90 days to verify all our services work and now it can be done within just 5-10 days. He is a very professional, client-oriented, problem solver and team player who is certainly one of the best consultants I have worked with.”

Global Head of Quality Assurance, Fenics


Alex Chaudhary, Programme Support Officer, MHRA, University of Sheffield, UK

“While obtaining my master’s degree, I developed an interest in International Development work and the requirements in the technology sector. I noticed that there was a need in the charity sector for project managers, which led me to join FDM and learn more about the industry. My role at MHRA is great as every day is different; aside from my Project Support responsibilities I am leading a SharePoint pilot and working on Office 365 and laptop rollouts. This includes migration analysis, business readiness and covering for a colleague on maternity. At this point, I can be called on to help with any aspect of the projects and being recognised as Consultant of the Month was a really pleasant surprise.”

“Alex has demonstrated the flexibility and open-mindedness sought after in the IT sector and specifically in project management. The actions carried out by Alex have demonstrated the key things that make a good consultant, such as logical thinking, quick learning of technical aspects and having a strong work ethic. He has recently completed a critical migration project, working independently in an intricate environment in addition to his PSO responsibilities. Through building strong user relationships and having a willingness to perform both management and technical roles, the migration of 400+ user mailboxes to Office 365 was a success.”

Programme Manager, Digital Workplace Programme, MHRA


Binayak Dasgupta - FDMBinayak Dasgupta, Software DevOps Developer, Standard Chartered Bank, National University of Singapore, SG

“I always wanted to get into the technology field, but lacked the proper IT qualifications. Then I found out about FDM, which was the ideal place to get the training and exposure needed for a successful job in technology. The supportive environment during the training allowed me to learn, grow and feel confident in taking on my role on-site. Having been assigned to a project at Standard Chartered Bank with a very tight deadline, I have learnt even more within a short space of time. I am lucky to have bosses who are very supporting and encouraging, providing me with lots of guidance and learning opportunities. I feel honoured to have received recognition for my efforts. I am also thankful to my boss at Standard Chartered Bank and FDM, for giving me the resources and opportunities to strive for my best.”

Ilham Salleh, Developer, Standard Chartered Bank, London School of Economics, SG

“The conducive learning atmosphere and collegial environment at FDM prepared me for work within big organisations. I am lucky to have been placed on two different roles as an FDM consultant. At Murex, I was a support analyst, working with clients in the back office departments of a few banks. Then I moved to Standard Chartered in 2017 and have been responsible for setting up and writing DevOps tools for my team. I know it would have been difficult for me to have gained such a varied experience in the course of two years, were it not for FDM. I’d like to thank my colleagues/ex-colleagues at Murex, the FDM Singapore office and Standard Chartered for being really supportive and giving me so much assistance when I needed it.”

“Ilham and Binayak are both part of the Interbank Pre-Deal Check Project. It’s a crucial greenfield project that fulfils regulatory requirements. The project used Agile Product Delivery methodology with high actual-user involvement. The product was delivered with fewer than 10 detected bugs due to 100% automated test coverage. They both played key roles in this critical project and managed to learn the technology and business requirements in a short period of time. Both of them went above and beyond my expectations, they take ownership, are reliable and have an insatiable quest to learn new things.”

Head of Project Engineering, Standard Chartered Bank


Corronzo Downey - FDMCorronzo Downey, Application Support Analyst, Bank of Montreal, Ryerson University, CA

“I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and have now been with FDM for just over a year and a half. I joined FDM because I was impressed by their investment into education. What I learnt in the academy will continue to be valuable in the future. During my time with FDM, I received plenty of support from my colleagues and account managers. At BMO, the environment I work in pushes me to achieve and learn more every day; my team strives for excellence and communicates freely and efficiently to achieve it. I am very fortunate to be working with a team that appreciates the work of all their team members, and that FDM gives the opportunity for this to be recognised.”

“Corronzo has taken ownership of the Global Trace and Banking vulnerability process and ensured that our group had removed all required vulnerabilities by the deadline. He is a very contributing member of our team, continually adding to his skill set and is not afraid to take on new challenges. He does not let anything fall between the cracks in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. He has been an integral part of our success as a group this year servicing our line of business.”

Technical Head – Global Trace and Banking, Bank of Montreal