News &

Insights for Organisations

Beyond the classroom: Why experiential learning is the future

Career Advice

Why Business Intelligence is the Job of the Future

Business Intelligence is an exciting field that is having a profound effect on the way…

Returners Career Advice

6 Essential Digital Skills For A Modern Career

In the modern working world, digital skills are a must and there is a base…

Career Advice

The Journey of an FDM Business Analyst

FDM is proud to have joined the Tech Industry Gold community as the first organisation to…

Career Advice

The Journey of an FDM Business Analyst

FDM is proud to have joined the Tech Industry Gold community as the first organisation to…

Career Advice

The Journey of an FDM Business Analyst

FDM is proud to have joined the Tech Industry Gold community as the first organisation to…

Career Advice

What is a Tech Industry Gold Accreditation?

The education industry in the UK is set to grow to a staggering £54.9 billion…


Mid-Life MOT to Help Over 50s Get Back to Work

An estimated 114 million people lost their jobs in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic…

Insights for Organisations Returners

How to Support Working Parents During the School Holidays

Over the past two years, many working parents have had to learn to juggle their…

Career Advice

Top 5 Interview Tips for Introverts

Job interviews can be daunting for anyone, especially if it’s your first interview for a…