News &

Insights for Organisations

Beyond the classroom: Why experiential learning is the future

Career Advice Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships vs University: Everything You Need To Know

Nowadays, with universities costing up to a whopping £9,250 per year, it comes as no…

Career Advice

5 Reasons Why You Should Become a Software Tester

The software testing market grew over USD 40 billion in 2020 and is estimated to…

Insights for Organisations

The High Potential Individual Visa and its Impact on the UK’s Skills Shortage

From today (30th May 2022), the High Potential Individual visa comes into effect and is…

Insights for Organisations Ex-Forces

Conquering the Cumbrian Challenge

Every year for the last seven years FDM-ers from across the UK take a trip…

Career Advice Apprenticeship

7 Common Apprenticeship Myths Debunked

Apprenticeships are becoming increasingly popular, with 719,000 people participating in an apprenticeship in England in…

Returners Career Advice

How to Succeed on a Returners Programme

More and more companies are now hiring talent in mid-senior roles who are coming back…

Insights for Organisations

Why More Experience Doesn’t Always Make for Better Employees

As the Education vs Experience debate continues, there is still so much for businesses to…

Insights for Organisations Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

FDM Celebrates Cultural Diversity Day 2022

‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ The ancient Sanskrit proverb from the dawn of civilisation translates to ‘The world…


The Rewards of Joining the FDM Mentorship Program

We are always looking for ways to improve the FDM Consultant experience and raise awareness…