News &

Insights for Organisations

Beyond the classroom: Why experiential learning is the future

Ex-Forces Career Advice

What Can I Do After the Military?

The transition from a military career back to civilian job may seem daunting but with…

Returners Career Advice

How to Face the Return to the Office

As of January 2022, the UK government’s guidance to work from home has officially come…

Career Advice

What is a Graduate Programme?

Graduate Programmes – What are they? A growing number of employers in the UK now…


FDM Group wins ‘Employer of the Year’ at The Ex-Forces in Business Awards 2021

The Ex-Forces in Business Awards is the world’s largest celebration of military veterans in second…

Career Advice

Passion, Purpose and the Pursuit of Success and Happiness

We’ve always said that anyone can pursue a successful career in tech if they have…

Career Advice

Warum außerschulische Aktivitäten für Arbeitgeber*innen wichtig sind

Die Arbeitgeber*innen von heute achten auf mehr als nur auf deinen Abschluss. Sie suchen nach…

Career Advice

Stellenbeschreibung Softwareentwickler*in

Interessierst du dich für eine Karriere in der Tech-Branche? Es gibt viele Vorteile, die für…

Career Advice

Explore a Career Abroad with FDM’s Irish Graduate Programme

Have you just finished Uni but don’t know what to do next? Choosing the right…

Insights for Organisations

The Digital Skills Gap: What Opportunities Are Companies Missing?

Digital skills are vital for business success. However, a shortage of internal skills is affecting…