News &


Spotlight on our inspiring FDM Returners


This Week in Tech News : Autonomy in Abundance

GM Breaks New Ground Over-the-air updates are no longer just for your smartphone. American vehicle…


How the FDM Returners Programme Revamped My Career

Throughout life, not everything goes to plan. For many people, the prospect of taking a…


FDM Completes the Cumbrian Challenge

The principal aim of the event is to raise funds and awareness for the work…

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

3 Reasons Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matter at Work

In celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity, we spoke to COO Sheila Flavell to…


The Ministry of Testing Discuss Session Based Testing in Leeds

FDM has been sponsoring the Ministry of Testing (MOT) Meetup events in Leeds for the…


How I Took My Tech Career Worldwide

As a global company, we are proud to recruit, train and deploy IT and business…


My Co-op Experience at FDM

The past four months at FDM Group have been extraordinary, to say the least. Throughout…


Completing a Marathon: My Lap of Glory

Over the last few months, we have been following the journey of Jo Southwell-Sander as…


Life as a Software Developer in Singapore

Many people automatically assume a career in tech translates to coding, complex formulas and a…