News &

Insights for Organisations

Beyond the classroom: Why experiential learning is the future

Insights for Organisations

Overcoming Australia’s AI Integration Challenges in Business Operations

In recent years, the implementation of AI in Australia’s businesses has undergone a significant shift,…


Unlocking Success: The Ultimate Guide to Implementing AI in Your Business

Is your company looking to adopt AI automation?  Find out the opportunities and ethical challenges…

Insights for Organisations

Mental Health First Aiders: Does Your Business Need One?

Employee wellbeing has been recognised as a critical factor in business success. Mental health and…

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Insights for Organisations

Women in the Energy Sector: Closing the Gender Gap & Driving Change

The energy sector has already begun making waves in diversity and inclusion, The “Equal by…

Career Advice

Top 10 AI Skills You Need to Land Your Dream Job in 2024

The global revenue of artificial intelligence (AI) software in 2022 was forecasted to reach $62.5…


Defying the Odds: David Jarvis’s Road to Invictus Games Gold

David Jarvis had a 20- year career in the British Army before being untimely discharged…

Insights for Organisations

7 Benefits of Apprenticeships for Employers

Apprenticeships are a worthwhile investment that employers across all sectors should consider, from entry-level to…

Career Advice

5 top specjalizacji w branży technologicznej w 2023

Czy myślałeś o rozpoczęciu pracy w IT? Być może to jest właśnie ten moment, aby…

Insights for Organisations

What is Social Mobility? An Employer’s Guide

It has never been more difficult for children in low socioeconomic backgrounds to move up…