
FDM Stories: Re-locating to Austin

Paul Brown
18.10.2018 Published: 18.10.18, Modified: 18.10.2018 10:10:13

Here at FDM, our clients span the globe, which allows our consultants the opportunity to relocate all over the world. This is an exciting aspect of launching your career in tech with FDM, but it certainly isn’t limited to our consultants. Our internal staff benefit from being geographically flexible too. Account Manager Evan Edelman and our Southwest Regional Sales Manager Vince Mnich spoke to us about what it was like to relocate halfway across the country to our popup academy in Austin, Texas.

Vince Mnich – Southwest Regional Sales Manager

You’ve made the transition from your home base in the UK all the way to Austin, Texas in order to help bring FDM to the central United States. How easy was it for you to make the decision to do so?

I have always enjoyed new opportunities, so when I first had the discussion about moving to the US, it was an exciting prospect. I did some research, and funnily enough, my wife and I had talked about living here when we first met. After my initial visit to Austin, it was a very easy decision.

What is your favorite part about Austin so far?

I’ve always wanted to live somewhere warm all year around, so I got that and more! When I first arrived in Austin, I was amazed how green it was. In the UK, most people think Texas is all cacti, open deserts, and cowboys wearing boots and hats. Austin is a very eclectic, cosmopolitan and young city, much like my hometown of Brighton. Ironically, the saying “keep Austin weird” would be more suited to a place like Brighton where nothing surprises locals! Other things that I really like are the outdoor active culture and the food, the variety of both are amazing.

What is a piece of advice you would give someone who is looking to move to a new location?

Be open-minded and be patient, especially if you’re immigrating…things are different. Immerse yourself in the local culture and say yes to all social opportunities.

Evan Edelman – Account Manager

What was the first thought that went through your mind when you drove over the Austin border?

You know when your birthday is coming up, and you’re so excited that you keep talking about it like, “I can’t believe it’s almost my birthday,” and then the day finally comes and you’re like, “wow…this is it, it’s actually here”, that’s exactly how I felt. I could not believe it was finally the moment I’d been preparing for.

What is the hardest part about being away from home?

Other than my family, friends, and my team in New York, I miss pretending that I’m a real “New Yorker” because I took the subway and had a strong opinion on pizza.

What is your favorite part about Austin so far?

Everybody here has come from somewhere else so opening a conversation is easy, “where are you from, what brings you here?” Also, I’ve found that everybody here knows somebody from New Jersey. Everybody. I love how welcoming the people are, it’s made it so much easier for me to start fresh in this new city. It’s much less intimidating than I expected.

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