FDM Consultant, Shuang Li joined FDM in January 2017 after completing her master’s degree in Information Studies at McGill University. Having previously worked as a Web Developer, Shuang was looking for roles in Java Development but found that there were few opportunities available to new graduates. We recently caught up with Shuang and learned more about her role on-site and experience with FDM.
After completing her first two months of training in FDM’s Software Development stream, Shuang was placed on-site with Morgan Stanley in a development role. In her own words, Shuang describes her first few months on-site, “I was able to be constantly exposed to new things, like the financial products and new technical tools or design.” Her typical day includes completing analysis, coding and testing, and providing technical support to users. Shuang loves that her role provides her with a challenge as well as an opportunity to learn and develop her skills.
Shuang looks back on her time in the FDM Academy with fond memories. She notes, “FDM is energetic and fun! They make the working environment comfortable and relaxing.” Her favourite part of being in the Academy was participating in the weekly Friday games and celebrating holidays with her fellow trainees. Shuang found that FDM “brings young people together and provides a great platform for us to connect with commercial companies. Here people care about each other.” Shuang also noticed that, “Although many trainees apply for a single position, the relationship between us is collaborative, not competitive.”
In speaking about FDM, Shuang highlights the importance of the Careers Programme in her career journey. She remarks that FDM helped her to “gain new friends and establish a professional network.” When speaking about FDM’s long-term benefit, she notes that, “FDM, as a bridge that will connect people to their dream jobs, giving them industry training that makes them competitive in the job market.” Overall, she speaks favourably about FDM’s value in helping her to develop her career: “I would definitely recommend FDM to people who are looking for the first job out of school or would like to transfer to a Java Developer role from another industry.”
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