News &

Graduates Career Advice

When to Start Applying for Jobs

There is a season for most things in life, and this includes the job market….

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

FDM Alumna, Chelsea Du Wins the RBC Gold Award

After graduating from the University of Toronto with a double major in Mathematics and Economics,…


FDM Sponsors Ministry of Testing Events in Leeds

Since becoming the Product Owner for our Testing Service 18 months ago, I’ve been keen…

Career Advice

Bewerbungsfrust – Der richtige Umgang mit Absagen

Ablehnung ist nie schön und schon gar nicht nach einer mühevoll erstellten Bewerbung für den…


Consultant of the Month – October 2018

Amir Sofer Business Analyst at National Grid, US Rutgers University: BS in Business Analytics and…


Practical Ways to Advance Your Career in the Tech Industry

Women in Leadership Despite studies that prove a clear correlation between gender diversity and corporate…

Career Advice

5 Reasons why you Should be a Software Developer

Software development is a vast field and one that is creative, demanding and extremely rewarding….


Was ist ein Consultant Support Advisor?

Was macht eigentlich ein Consultant Support Advisor? Mit unserem Traineeprogramm für Absolventen schlagen wir die Brücke zwischen Uniabschluss und…


FDM Stories: Re-locating to Austin

Here at FDM, our clients span the globe, which allows our consultants the opportunity to…


Quereinstieg – muss ich Informatik studiert haben, um in der IT-Welt Fuß zu fassen?

Wenn man an IT-Consulting und Digitalisierungsprojekte denkt, sagen viele „Ich habe keine Informatik studiert, da…